Future Tooth is a Dental Stem Cell Storage Company. We provide mail ordered dental cell storage kits. We are leader in the affordable banking of stem cells from baby milk teeth. Future Tooth Banking use a reliable cryopreservation technique for the freezing of stem cells for future use or growing of the stem cells in the future.
Future Tooth a leading provider of Dental Stem Cell Storage. We are committed to accelerating the use of personal cell and tissue therapies such as the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and regenerative medicine. From our purpose built Cryopreservation facility we offer dental stem cell storage to the general public and medical practitioners.
From the past 22 years, doctors have been using stem cells to treat over 78 diseases and blood related disease. Presently, there are over 2000 clinical trials that have been completed or in the process of completion. This is to demonstrate the use of stem cells to treat diseases, heal injuries, and grow replacement tissues like bone, cartilage, nerve, skin, muscles, and blood vessels.
Mesenchymal stem cells have already proven to be a powerful and potent platform for treatments. It will interest you to know that scientists are studying the role of these amazing cells in treating type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), corneal damage and neurological diseases like Parkinson's etc.
By safeguarding your teeth or child’s teeth, you are helping to insure their future. Wisdom teeth are one of the most viable sources of stem cells. It gives you comfort when banked.
Storing dental stem cells is similar to storing umbilical cord stem cells. Unlike the hematopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord that can only develop in the blood of immune related cells, MSCs derived from teeth have unlimited potential due to their pluripotency (ability to differentiate in the several cell types).
Please contact our friendly team at Future Tooth to learn more about storing your dental stem cells. We look forward to talking with you.